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  • EF #1: 🚀 Welcome to the launch of Expert•ish Freelancer Newsletter

EF #1: 🚀 Welcome to the launch of Expert•ish Freelancer Newsletter

Get ready to launch (or elevate) your freelance writing business!

Hi Friend!

Welcome to the first issue of Expert•ish Freelancer! I’m SO glad you’re here, and I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned and glean lessons from you along the way, too. (I adopted the lifelong learner mentality a long time ago. I’m never “too experienced” to pick up pointers from others.)

Let me begin with a little origin story that brings freelancing full circle, from me to you.

Decades ago—way back in the 1600s when I was in college 😉—I discovered a life-changing book called Writer’s Market. This three-inch-thick book published annually contained thousands of places where I could sell my writing directly to magazines, book publishers, poetry anthologies, and even greeting card companies.

Blew. My. Mind.

Still taking journalism classes, I’d originally planned on working full-time for a newspaper or magazine. But what’s this now? I could sell my stuff directly to a magazine? And make money? Right now? Um, yes please!

After researching some more, I jumped at the chance and began sending a few pitches to magazine editors. Snagging my first byline around 1985, I think I got paid $30 for a short profile about a local business. Soon after, I discovered a local company needed help with copywriting. Still in college and with zero copywriting experience, I landed the gig. (Way to be bold, girl!)

Even though I went on to earn a master’s degree (in public relations) and work on staff at a trade association and a theme park, I’d continued freelancing on the side, either for extra money, to upskill, or for variety from my day job in PR.

But once I got a taste of freelancing, I couldn’t turn back. The freedom and flexibility were intoxicating. And knowing that I alone determined my income, my schedule—and ultimately my success—changed my career trajectory.

More than thirty-five years later, I’m still freelancing. And, as I push 60 this year, I wanted to share the hard-won wisdom I’ve gained over the years—the challenges, the wins, the tips, and the tools. I wanted to create the newsletter I wish I had when I started down this path.

Enter, Expert•ish Freelancer.

Freelance Focus: What to Expect When You’re Freelancing

As I give birth to my baby newsletter, I’m both excited and nervous. With any new project, I know it will take me a while to find my voice, tweak the format, and see what’s resonating with readers. Thankfully, I’ve been writing and publishing newsletters since college, so I know the format well. But it will take me a beat to find my groove so authenticity drips out with every word. I appreciate your patience during this newborn phase.

Think back to that very first episode of Friends (my all-time favorite TV show), when the pilot introduced you to the characters, set up the storyline, and gave you a taste of what to expect. It took a few episodes—maybe even that whole first season—for the ensemble cast to mesh, for the writers to nail the tone, and for the actors to work on their comic timing. (RIP, Chandler.) It took some time to work out the kinks, requiring patience from the audience.

With that in mind, I hope you extend me the grace (and provide me feedback), as I “work out the kinks” of this newsletter. I’m still working on my comic timing, though. 😉

So, let’s dive right into what Expert•ish Freelancer is all about and what you can expect in future issues.

Feel free to shoot me an email about what you like/dislike with the newsletter, any tech issues, suggestions for tools/resources, whatever. I’m at [email protected].

The Success Formula

As a creative, you might relate to my general avoidance of all things math. I don’t do equations or statistics. Numbers and I don’t play well. I write. I create. I play with words, not numbers. However, I’m throwing out this formula because it encapsulates what Expert•ish Freelancer is all about. 

Mindset + Freelancing = Success

Whether you’re a writer, editor, designer, virtual assistant, transcriptionist, translator, proofreader, or other freelancer, I know imposter syndrome can rear its ugly head and quickly sink your confidence. (*raises hand) And if you don’t keep self-doubt in check, it can tank your business. 

So, the newsletter name--Expert•ish Freelancer--is a mashup of both adopting a positive mindset and thriving in the gig economy. (It might not be as memorable a mashup as Bennifer or Brangelina, but I think it does hold its own.) The name conveys that you’re good enough, talented enough, brave enough, and expert enough to succeed. You just have to believe it. Plus, it expresses that you embrace this entrepreneurial approach to your career. Yay, you! 👏🏼

The Topics Covered

This first issue gives you a taste of what to expect, unveiling the newsletter format and exploring the variety of topics I’ll cover. In the future, you can expect this Freelance Focus section to explore just one topic per issue. While the content will always reflect what you tell me you want to know more about, I plan on regularly covering these topics.

  • Mindset (tamping down imposter syndrome, nourishing persistence and resilience, motivation, infusing confidence into your work-life)

  • Pitching and Prospecting (selling yourself and your ideas to media outlets and brands, researching markets, understanding the process)

  • Marketing (putting yourself out there, building your brand, establishing an online presence, being consistent, finding sustainable strategies)

  • Editor/client/colleague relationships (meeting expectations, delivering value, setting boundaries, building/nurturing relationships, finding accountability partners, networking)

  • Writing (finding the right mix of editorial/copywriting/content marketing, choosing niches, conducting interviews, diversifying project types)

  • Money* (asking for what you’re worth, setting goals, negotiating, getting paid)

  • Lifestyle (striving for balance, making flexibility work for you, focusing on self-care, adjusting to different seasons of life)

  • Business (time management/productivity, administrative tasks, healthy business habits)

  • Tools (tapping tech to assist with marketing, organizing, project management, interviews)

*Please note that Expert•ish Freelancer will not focus on the “six-figure freelancer” mentality, though there’s nothing wrong with setting a $100K+ goal and it’s absolutely possible to earn this much as a freelancer. (Yes, really!) I just think it puts a lot of pressure on yourself and makes you feel “less than” if you don’t hit that magic number. Set whatever goal is realistic for you and your specific circumstances. Don’t compare yourself to others. And know that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with setting a five-figure goal.

The Yoga Tie-In

Yoga became my godsend during the pandemic. I fell in love with it as a way to de-stress, exercise, practice much-needed self-care, and get out of the damn house during that surreal shelter-in-place period. I even wrote about it for Success Magazine.

Three years later, I continue to attend yoga classes nearly every weekday afternoon, providing a hard cut-off time to my workday. This habit has done wonders for keeping my life in balance, focusing on self-care, boosting my flexibility, easing my aches and pains, and improving my mental health. I highly recommend incorporating yoga into your life.

What’s yoga got to do with freelancing? 🧘

I find so many connections between the two because yoga is way more than downward dog. I intentionally bring yoga principles off the mat and into my life, connecting them with my freelancing lifestyle. I’ll occasionally be sprinkling these connections into future newsletters as they relate to focus, mindfulness, balance, self-care, confidence, and community.

But one big take-away? Yoga classes are led by an experienced guide who gently reminds you to do what feels right for you. Similarly, with this newsletter, I’m just here as your guide, offering advice, tips, and resources to help you navigate the freelance challenges you face. Know that my way isn’t the way—it’s a way. Take what I offer and tweak it. Do what works best for you.

Mindset Matters

One of my subscribers, Diana, shared a terrific quote with me that perfectly captures imposter syndrome and the fear that fuels it:


Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.

—Suzy Kassem

Is fear holding you back? Fear of rejection? Of not feeling good enough? Of failure? Been there, done that. But push past it anyway.

My philosophy has always been “just start.” Or, as best-selling author Jon Acuff so eloquently points out in his book title, “Start. Punch fear in the face. Escape average. Do work that matters.”

Newbies, don’t wait for “the perfect time” to start because there isn’t one.

Seasoned freelancers, don’t stay comfortable. Things change too much, so you’ve got to keep learning throughout your career. (Do I hear AI knocking at your door?)

Get motivated, adopt a growth mindset, and either launch—or elevate—your freelance writing business.

Tools & Resource

Freelancing requires a tremendous amount of organization as you juggle multiple clients and multiple projects. Finding tools and resources that help you save time and streamline your work is a must. And sometimes you just need some inspiration—from books, blogs, videos, podcasts, etc. I’ll share what I use, as well as what others recommend, to help you in your freelance journey.

To help you either take that first step as a freelancer—or re-evaluate why you started freelancing in the first place—I thought this classic Simon Sinek video was an inspirational place to start.

My spin on this: Identify the why that will fuel your freelance business. This will help you design a business with intention—one that meets your specific needs and circumstances, one that taps your individual strengths and weaknesses. You might have been recently laid off and you need to earn money while you look for a full-time job. You might be a mom or dad in those active parenting years when you prioritize raising a family but you still want to contribute financially. You might be burned out from a corporate career and want the freedom and flexibility of being your own boss. You might be switching careers (such as in healthcare or education), and you want to use your industry knowledge and experience as a freelancer. You might be looking for a side gig to earn some extra money, upskill, or add variety to your day job. Or you might be retired (or transitioning to retirement) and you’re looking to add a new purpose to this season of life. All these scenarios provide core reasons why people freelance: independence, freedom, autonomy, flexibility, work/life balance, unlimited earning potential, purpose, and fulfillment. While your why might change over the years, it should always drive the path for your freelance business. Don’t lose sight of this.


I regularly struggle and succeed, so I’ll pull back the curtain on some of my setbacks and wins. It’s definitely not all rainbows and unicorns in the freelance world. But, like Nemo, I tell myself “just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”

High: I started to doubt whether or not I’d landed a new project after submitting a proposal to a client. Waited 10 days. Nothing. Not only did I land the work, but the client wants a 3- to 6-month retainer to help craft marketing collateral. #winnerwinnerchickendinner

Low: My social posts announcing the newsletter launch (unfortunately occurring the week before Easter) generated the buzz of a deflated balloon. #somuchtolearn

Up Next

Quite a few subscribers shared these common struggles that I’ll be addressing in the next few issues:

  • How to get started

  • How to gain momentum

  • How to find steady work

  • How to market yourself

Thanks for allowing me into your inbox!

 I look forward to sharing my freelance journey with you, and I look forward to hearing about yours. I’m just here as your guide. Take what works for you, and tweak it to your needs. Rinse. Repeat.

In the meantime….

Be kind. Do good. Give thanks. 😊

With gratitude,

P.S. If you like Expert•ish and want to support it, please do one (or more!) of these things right now:

  1. Forward this newsletter to a friend with an invitation to subscribe right here: https://expertishfreelancer.com/newsletter-signup/

  2. Say hi or give feedback: [email protected] 

  3. Connect with me on LinkedIn.